Labor Day usually signifies the return of practices for the Ste. Anne's choir. This past year and a half has been difficult for all of us, and we continue to experience ongoing situations due to COVID and new and/or reinstated restrictions on gatherings, masks, distancing, etc. There are still ways to safely participate in life's events, including church, but the protocols are changing, quite literally, with the weather. As you may know, Ste. Anne's is preparing several events in celebration of its 120th Anniversary, one of which is a special Mass to be celebrated on
November 14th at 11AM. Choirs from each community - Congolese, Cameroon, Filipino, and Ste. Anne's - will be part of this special Mass. In that light, we are planning rehearsals beginning Wednesday, September 8th at 7PM at church. If you have previously sung with Ste. Anne's or are interested in singing, please join us at rehearsal on September 8th.